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Peugeot 605 SV 3.0 Pics

This page contains pictures of a Peugeot 605 SV3.0
I currently own a Peugeot 605 SLdt. The following pictures are of a Peugeot SV 3.0 I got off of another webpage.

Peugeot 605 SV 3.0 Rear
Peugeot 605 SV 3.0 Front
All 605's look the same they just have different engines and interiors.
Peugeot 605 SV 3.0 Right Side From Front
This picture is from front because when you look at it the person was standing diagonally across from the car but they were at the front.
Peugeot 605 SV 3.0 Right Side From Rear.
Some 605's have a big Peugeot badge above the boot catch. I'm glad to say mine doesn't.
Peugeot 605 SV 3.0 Left Side From Rear
The 605 is really a big 405 but you can tell the difference because the 605's lights start to wrap around the side of the car and the front end is more square.
Peugeot 605 SV 3.0 Right Side From Front 2
You may say this pic is the same aas Right Side From Front but it is closer up.
Peugeot 605 SV 3.0/ Peugeot 405 GR Left Side From Rear
I used to own a Peugeot 405 GLDT before the 605.