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Marcus's Mick Foley Homepage


Hi as you may have guessed I'm Marcus and this is my website. I decided to create my website because I'm mad about Mick Foley (Mankind, Cactus Jack, Dude Love) and I wanted to meet others who felt the same way. The best way to do this was a website so I suggest you do it as this website I have made was free.

Site Updates

This is where I will put the list of things that have been updated on my site. I will try to update the list every week but I can't make no promises.

This site was last updated 11/04/2003

Mick's Logo

Mick's logo was designed from Dude Love and Mankind. They took the Dude Love logo and put the Mankind mask on it.

Site Enhancements

While you are on my site why not sign my guestbook or send me a E-mail to talk about Foley or just wrestling.

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Cactus Jack
Cactus Jack was in WCW but when Foley got to WWF he had to go but in 1998 Cactus was Back!


While you are on my site please visit my sponsors because that is what is keeping my site running their adverts. If you want to see Foley brought back then visit the sponsors and I won't let you down.
